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Re: [modeller_usage] missing residues

On 5/3/12 3:29 AM, Mary Varughese wrote:
I have a dimer protein with missing residues in both subunits.

I have the target sequence, the original protein pdb with missing gaps
*(a.pdb* resolution 3.58 Xray structure)and another pdb of the same
protein with missing residues included (*b.pdb* resolution 3.5 electron

So i have to add missing residues with b.pdb as the template and rest of
the protein exact to a.pdb)
Yes, that should be fairly straightforward - simply use both templates 
in modeling, and align the model with a.pdb or b.pdb accordingly. If 
possible, try to overlap the regions a little so that Modeller can 
figure out the conformation of the missing regions.
Also can i add missing residues in both A and B units simultaneously.
Sure, that's no problem. Your alignment might look something like:


(This assumes that you've edited b.pdb to only include the regions in the alignment above.)
	Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org             http://www.salilab.org/modeller/
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