Platform: Fast

Fast build (64-bit Linux, Rocky 8.10, Boost 1.73, Python 3)

This platform builds and tests IMP on a fully updated 64-bit Rocky 8.10 system with Python 3. The system is customized with additional RPM packages so that all IMP modules and applications can be built and tested (in contrast to the RPM builds, where only those modules and applications that use packages in the RedHat repositories are built).

This is a fast build, built with all checks and logging turned off (IMP_MAX_CHECKS=NONE and IMP_MAX_LOG=SILENT cmake options). This gives the fastest running code, so even tests marked EXPENSIVE are run with this build. However, the lack of runtime error checking means that test failures may be hard to diagnose (IMP may segfault rather than reporting an error).

In the Sali lab, fast builds can be used on the Linux workstations by running module load imp-fast. They can also be used on the Wynton cluster by running module load Sali imp-fast. Work out all the bugs first though!