Platform: Mac 12

Debug build (64-bit Intel Mac; MacOS 12 (Monterey); clang++; Boost 1.80; Python 3; per-cpp compilation)

This platform builds and tests IMP on a 64-bit MacOS 12 (Monterey) Mac system with Homebrew Python 3. This is a standard Mac with XCode installed plus Homebrew, the salilab/salilab Homebrew tap, and the following Homebrew packages: boost, cgal, cmake, hdf5, libtau, ninja, pkg-config, opencv, protobuf, eigen, cereal, fftw, open-mpi, and swig.

This is a debug build, built with all checks turned on (IMP_MAX_CHECKS=INTERNAL cmake option). This is so that the tests can be as thorough as possible. The resulting code is much slower, however, so the IMP tests marked EXPENSIVE are skipped (they are run in fast builds).

Most IMP builds do batch compilation, where the compiler handles all the .cpp files for a module at once. However, IMP also supports a "per-cpp" mode where each .cpp file is compiled individually (the IMP_PER_CPP_COMPILATION cmake option). This mode is less tolerant of missing #include statements and other programming errors. This platform builds IMP in this mode to detect such errors.