Test results, 2024-06-04, develop 357468b2c2

Name test_analysis_rmsd.py
State SKIP
SKIP: Tests.test_rmsd_simple
test too slow to run in debug mode
SKIP: Tests.test_swap_copies
test too slow to run in debug mode
Component IMP.pmi
Platform Coverage
Runtime (s) 2.19 (plot)
Date 2024-06-04
Previously failed on 2024-05-30

Summary of results on all platforms

Platform StateRuntime (s)
Coverage SKIP 2.19
Win32 OK 5.71
Win64 OK 4.90
CUDA OK 7.40
RH8 RPM OK 2.41
deb20 OK 2.22
Mac 12 SKIP 2.46
deb22 OK 2.30
Mac ARM SKIP 0.93
RH9 RPM OK 1.95
Mac Fast OK 2.24
Fast OK 2.63
Release OK 2.76
Debug SKIP 0.78
deb24 OK 2.08
F40 RPM OK 2.21