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OPEN -- open input file

IO_UNIT = $\langle{\tt integer:1}\rangle$ 21 IO unit for file operations
OBJECTS_FILE = $\langle{\tt string:1}\rangle$ 'top.out' filename
FILE_ACCESS = $\langle{\tt string:1}\rangle$ 'SEQUENTIAL' file access: 'SEQUENTIAL' | 'APPEND'
FILE_STATUS = $\langle{\tt string:1}\rangle$ 'UNKNOWN' file status: 'UNKNOWN' | 'OLD' | 'NEW'
NUMBER_LINES = $\langle{\tt integer:1}\rangle$ 0 number of lines in the newly opened file

This command opens a specified file on the specified I/O stream for formatted access. FORTRAN conventions apply to FILE_ACCESS and FILE_STATUS. NUMBER_LINES will contain the number of lines in the file (if opened for reading).

Ben Webb 2004-04-20