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The following installation instructions are from the INSTALLATION file in the root directory of the MODELLER distribution. See Section 1.3 for how to obtain MODELLER.

Please note that while MODELLER includes a Python interpreter, it does not include any of the standard Python modules. If you wish to write scripts which use standard modules, you will need to install these yourself, unless your system already has the correct version of Python installed:

For Windows
Use the Windows installer for Python 2.3.5, available at

For Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)
MODELLER will use the standard system Python (2.3); no additional configuration is necessary.

For Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar)
MODELLER should work with the MacPython 2.3.3 distribution for OS X 10.2, available from

For Linux with Python 2.3 (e.g. Fedora Core 3, Mandrake 10.1)
MODELLER will use the standard system Python (2.3.4) under Fedora Core 3 or Mandrake 10.1; no additional configuration is necessary.

For Solaris
MODELLER works with the Python 2.3.3 package available at

Other Linux/Unix systems
You will need to build Python from the source code, available at the Python website. If you install it in a non-standard location (e.g. not /usr/local/python2.3 or /usr/lib/python2.3) then you will need to set the PYTHONHOME environment variable before starting MODELLER, so that it can find the modules.


                             M O D E L L E R   8v2

                       Copyright(c) 1989-2006 Andrej Sali
                              All Rights Reserved


  MODELLER is written in Fortran 90 and runs on Pentium PC's (Linux and
  Windows XP), Apple Macintosh (OS 10.3) and workstations from Silicon
  Graphics (IRIX), Sun (Solaris), IBM (AIX), and DEC Alpha (OSF/1).


  See file README for information about how to get MODELLER. The source code
  is not generally available. Hence, most users are limited to the compiled
  versions of MODELLER. The program is distributed as a single install file
  that contains scripts, libraries, examples, documentation (in PDF and
  HTML formats) and executables for the supported platforms and operating
  systems. Please refer to the relevant section below for your platform:


   1)   If using Windows NT/2000/XP, log on as a Computer Administrator.
        (For older systems, e.g. Windows 98, just log on as normal.)

   2)   Download the Windows installer modeller8v2.exe and save it to your

   3)   Double-click on the modeller8v2 file to start the installer.

   4)   Tell the installer where to install Modeller, and enter your Modeller
        license key when prompted.

   5)   Once the install is complete, use the Modeller link from the Start
        Menu to start a Command Prompt from where you can run Modeller
        scripts. You can then delete the original installer file from
        your Desktop.


   1)   Download the Modeller8v2.dmg file to your Desktop.

   2)   Double-click on the Modeller8v2.dmg file to open the disk image.

   3)   Double-click on the Install.command file within this image.
        Tell the installer where to install Modeller, and enter your Modeller
        license key when prompted.

   4)   Once the install is complete, you can run the Modeller script
        from a Terminal window. You can then drag both the 'Modeller 8v2'
        disk image and the Modeller8v2.dmg file to your trash.


   (Note: replace 'i386' with 'ia64' or 'x86_64' if using an Itanium or
   AMD64/EM64T machine, respectively.)

   1)  Download the modeller-8v2-1.i386.rpm file.

   2)  Install the RPM file with the following command, replacing XXXX with
       your Modeller license key:

          env KEY_MODELLER8v2=XXXX rpm -ivh modeller-8v2-1.i386.rpm


   1)  Download the modeller8v2.tar.gz file into a temporary directory on your

   2)  Open a console or terminal (e.g. xterm, Konsole, GNOME terminal)
       and change to the directory where you downloaded the .tar.gz file.
       Unpack the file with the following commands:

          gunzip modeller8v2.tar.gz
          tar -xvf modeller8v2.tar

      The result of unpacking will be the directory ./modeller8v2, containing
      the following uncompressed files and directories:

         doc/             MODELLER documentation directory
         examples/        directory containing examples and tutorials
         Install          installation script
         INSTALLATION     this file
         README           file describing distribution and registration
         modlib/          libraries and data files for the program
         bin/             .top script files and MODELLER executables

   3)  Go to the ./modeller8v2 directory and run the installation script:


       Answer several questions as prompted. If you make a mistake,
       you can re-run the script.

  For additional information visit our web site:


  February 2006

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Ben Webb 2006-02-28