sge_qsub_job() -- create a job which can be expanded with Sun GridEngine 'qsub'

sge_qsub_job(options, maxslave, seq=(), modeller_path=None, host=None)
This functions identically to job(), above, but it automatically grows by adding new sge_qsub_slave slaves (up to a maximum of maxslave) if you submit more tasks to the job than there are available slaves. (These are grouped into a single SGE array job.) options specifies options for the new sge_qsub_slave objects. New slaves are not automatically added when using the message-passing interface; you should manually add new sge_qsub_slave objects in this case.

This class should be used to create a job from a MODELLER script running on your SGE batch system head node (or other node which can run 'qsub' and has a shared filesystem with the slave nodes).

Automatic builds 2015-05-19