# - Base directory for creating temporary working directories # Replace with your username. TMPDIR /scratch/ModPipe/ # - ModPipe results. # Replace with your username. DATDIR /netapp/sali//modpipe_result # - Template sequence database TEMPLATESEQDB /netapp/sali/ModPipe/database/PDB95/db/pdb_95.hdf5 # - PDB repository PDB_REPOSITORY /netapp/database/pdb/remediated/uncompressed_files # - Database of structure profiles XPRF_LIST /netapp/sali/ModPipe/database/PDB95/db/pdb95_prf.list XPRF_PSSMDB /netapp/sali/ModPipe/database/PDB95/db/pdb95_prf.pssm # - Non-redundant sequence database (should be in binary form) NRSEQDB /netapp/database/uniprot/sequences/uniprot90.hdf5 # -- NCBI Blast database (Specify only the base filename without extension) # This will be used to calculate the PSI-Blast profile NCBISEQDB /netapp/database/uniprot/sequences/uniprot90 # - Database tag; used to set names for profiles NRDBTAG uniprot90 # - TSVMod executables TSVMODEXE /netapp/sali/ModPipe/database/TSVMod/programs/main/score_tsvmod.pl # - Profile update flag PRFUPDATE OFF # - Cutoff value for length of alignments MINALNLEN 30 # - Number of models per alignment NUMMODELS 5 # - Scheme to select the best model calculated for each alignment SELECT_MODEL_BY DOPEHR RETURN_MODELS BEST # -- Whether to include ligands/waters from the template in the modeling process HETATOMS OFF WATERS OFF # -- Parameters for clustering alignments # The condition is OVLP > CUT && PCOVLP > CUT && NONOVLP < CUT && # PCNONOVLP < CUT && IDCOL > CUT && PCIDCOL > CUT. # -------+++++++++++++ # +++++++++++++--------- # The '+' indicates the overlaping region & the '-' indicates # the non-overlapping region. CLUSTERALI ON ALICLUST_OVLP 0 ALICLUST_PCOVLP 60 ALICLUST_NONOVLP 20 ALICLUST_PCNONOVLP 20 ALICLUST_IDCOL 0 ALICLUST_PCIDCOL 80