- Dr. Azat Badretdinov
- The Rockefeller Univ, Box 270
- 1230 York Ave, New York NY 10021, USA
- Phone: (212) 327 7206
- Fax: (212) 327 7540
- E-mail: azat@salilab.org
- WWW/URL: http://salilab.org/~azat
On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Azat Badretdinov wrote:
> Please tell me which flavour of Modeller did you download (the name of
> the file). Also what is exactly your system version, RAM and swap space
> size.
I am using Modeller 4, thanks to you.
Spec. of my machine follow:
Operating System: SunOS Release 5.4 generic
Sun 4/80 (SPARCstation 10)
Window System: OpenWindows Version 3.4
Physical Memory (RAM): 64 MB
Virtual Memory (Swap): 231 MB
Amir S. Niknejad