Could be a bug in the program. Please send me the top file you are using
and input files.
aldo jongejan wrote:
> Hi,
> A question from a beginner:
> I would like to know what the information in the V999??? files
> means and how its is correlated to the information given in the .log
> files. It seams to me that the tables in the V999??? files does
> not completely correspond to the 31 classes of the restraint violations
> table in the .log file. Is there a difference in the order of columns??
> Fx. there is a zero for the LJ 6-12 potential, but in the V999?? file
> there are some numbers. The zero-values in the table are not matched
> by the empty columns in the V999?? files.
> thanks for any help,
> aldo
> __________________________________________________________
> aldo jongejan
> Kluyver Laboratorium for Biotechnology
> Technical University of Delft
> Julianalaan 67 tlf: +31 (0)15 2782336
> 2628 BC Delft fax: +31 (0)15 2782355
> The Netherlands e-mail:
> __________________________________________________________
- Dr. Azat Badretdinov
- The Rockefeller Univ, Box 270
- 1230 York Ave, New York NY 10021, USA
- Phone: (212) 327 7206
- Fax: (212) 327 7540
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