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Hi there,

I have a few questions about using modeller. I have been trying to use the
MALIGN routine of the Modeller package and I have got a few problems.
Firstly, I am limited to use just five sequences and I would like to know
how to increase the number of sequences that the program can handle.
Secondly, I am having some problems runing this routine since I guess that
the primary homology between my structures is very low. Actually, the
program runs till this point:

chkseq__E> sequence difference between alignment and pdb :
           4       1         0     ####      12   ASN   -----------
           4       2         0     ####       3   ASP   -----------
           4       3         0     ####      20   TYR   -----------
           4       4         0     ####       5   PHE   -----------
           4       5         0     ####      15   ARG   -----------
           4       6         0     ####       1   ALA   -----------
           4       7         0     ####       3   ASP   -----------
           4       8         0     ####      16   SER   -----------
           4       9         0     ####      15   ARG   -----------
           4      10         0     ####      17   THR   -----------
fit2xyz_E> number of equivalent positions < 3:     0
recover__> MODELLER_STATUS >=  STOP_ON_ERROR:   1  1

Will you please tell what is going on. Also, I have a general question. Is
it possible to  superimpose a set of structures at once (not one to one)?
and finally is it possible to use MALIGN3D without feeding in the
script an initial alignment? Thanks a lot.  

Pedro Reche

Dr. Pedro Antonio Reche Gallardo
Dept. of Biochemistry, U. of Cambridge,
80 Tennis Court Road, CB2 1GA, Cambridge, England, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1223 333662
Fax: +44 (0)1223 333661