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Re: Modeller on linux

Thanks for your prompt reply.
I am running csh and i have the suggested line in the .cshrc file.
When I type:
# hosttype              i get the reply
when i type simply:
#mod4                     (with nothing else)  i get
/usr/local/bin/modeller4/bin/mod4: hosttype : command not found
/usr/local/bin/modeller4/bin/mode: /usr/local/bin/modeller4/bin/mod_: no
such file or directory.
Have I installed the program in the right directories?

I just copied the zipped archives to /usr/local and did whatever is written
in the installation procedure.
No error is generated till the end.  But
produces the same errors:

./run_tops1:mod4: command not found


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrej Sali <sali@rockvax.rockefeller.edu>
To: Lutfullah Kakakhel <seen@paknet2.ptc.pk>
Cc: modeller_usage@salilab.org
Date: Thursday, October 15, 1998 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Modeller on linux

>Please define
>setenv HOSTTYPE i486-linux
>in your .cshrc file.
>Best, Andrej
>> Lutfullah Kakakhel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just subscribed to the list and have the following to resolve:
>> 1.   I am trying to install MODELLER on a REDHAT 5.0 Linux system
>> which is a Pentium 133MH, 32 MB RAM and 1.2 GB hard disk. Would it
>> give me troubles
>> later and if yes what kind?
>> 2.    The installation passes through all the stages successfully but
>> i get a screenful of error messages:
>>            ./run_tops1: mod4: command not found
>> when i try to test run as suggested in the documentation.
>> 3.  The system prompts a 'hosttype'  i386-linux during the ./Install
>> while the executable i have downloaded is mod_i486-linux. Which one
>> would require change, if does?   Does the above error has anything to
>> do with this?
>> Sorry if these sound dumb questions but i am totaly new in this field.
>> Lutfullah
>Andrej Sali, Assistant Professor
>The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021-6399
>tel +1 212 327 7550; lab +1 212 327 7206 ; fax +1 212 327 7540
>e-mail sali@rockvax.rockefeller.edu; http://salilab.org