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Modeller on SGI Octane

Dear All,

We are trying to get Modeller running on our SGI Octane.

We tried to run the following machine versions of Modeller4

In both cases the error prompted by the (IRIX6.5.5) system
when running Modeller4:

"critical error.   killed: process or stack limit exceeded"

Has anyone had similar problems running Modeller on an Octane ?
May be someone knows the amount of stack needed for Modeller ?

Our SGI Octane has the following configuration:
1 270 MHZ IP30 Processor
CPU: MIPS R12000 Processor Chip Revision: 2.3
FPU: MIPS R12010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0
Main memory size: 256 Mbytes
Instruction cache size: 32 Kbytes
Data cache size: 32 Kbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 2 Mbytes

We hope that someone can help us,


Ton ter Laak

Dr. A.M. ter Laak
Computational Medicinal Chemistry
Farmacochemistry, Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-4447611
fax: +31-20-4447610
email: terlaak@chem.vu.nl