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[modeller_usage] modelling discarding part of a template

sorry for a probable trivial question, but I couldn't find a solution browsing the mailing list by myself.
I want to model a protein using two different templates, in particular they differ in the position of a loop. My protein is very similar to template 1, but should have that loop in the same conformation found in template 2. So I'd like to "say" to modeller: please model my protein using template 1 as much as possible, but use only template 2 to model that loop. Please take in mind that both templates cover the entire sequence and show the loop (in different conformations).
I tried to do this by replacing the residues that I would like to be discarded (in correspondence of the loop) in template 1 with gaps in the alignment. So for example:
template 1:    BBBB-------BBBBBB
(the part with gaps in template 1 is present in PDB file)
But Modeller returned me an error saying:
Sequence difference between alignment and PDB:
I understand that Modeller "interpret" my alignment as a gap would present in the structure, and since this is not the case, it returns me an error. The question is: how to correctly send information to Modeller in order to "force" it to follow only a template to model a portion of the sequence, even if the other template is present? It seems to me that there was a way to do it without modifying the PDB file of the first template in order to cancel this loop. Am I correct? Is there a solution? 
Thank you very much for kind assistance and best regards
Anna Marabotti, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Institute of Food Science, CNR
Via Roma, 64
83100 Avellino (Italy)
Phone: +39 0825 299651
Fax: +39 0825 781585
Email: ">anna.marabotti@isa.cnr.it
Skype account: annam1972
Web page: http://bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it/anna/anna.htm
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