This new scoring sounds very interesting, could anyone point me to any
study/paper/test set where this method has demonstrated improvement over
the original loopmodel routine (i.e. w/o GB/SA scoring?)
David Hall wrote:
> ?
> -David
> On Jul 4, 2010, at 10:25 AM, albert <> wrote:
> Hello
> I have see the ppt in Modeller website and it is said that in Modeller9V8 has a new method for loop building and refinement, i.e: Newer DOPE + GB/SA protocol("dope_loopmodel"). However, in the lastest Modeller manual I don't find such kind of function. I would be very appreciated if someone could tell me how to use this new function or where I can find a scrips of Modeller.
> Thank you
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Hugo G. de Teran, PhD.
"Parga Pondal" Research fellow
Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica - SERGAS
Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN)
Phone +34 881813873