I'm trying to generate a model which uses the crystal structure of a
homologous protein which is in complex with its interacting partners in
a small complex. The crystal structure PDB files for the individual
parts of the complex, as well as for the whole complex are available.
How would I go about substituting my protein into the model?
If I understand you correctly, you want to produce a complex with a
single component replaced with its modeled homolog. There are two ways
you can achieve this:
1. Build a model of the protein using just the homologous protein from
the complex. Then superpose the model on the template (to get them in
the same frame of reference) and combine the model PDB file with the
complex PDB file, either manually (in a text editor) or with a viewer
such as Chimera.
2. Build a model of the entire complex using an alignment such as:
Here I'm assuming that your template complex, 1abc, contains three
chains, of which the B chain is the homologous protein. Then your model
(target) will also contain three chains, the B chain being the protein
you want to model and the A and C chains being 100% identical to the
template. The A and C chains may move during the modeling procedure,
however - if you don't want this you can select just the B chain for
refinement with a script similar to that at