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Re: [modeller_usage] Helix building problem

You can also do the same thing as Mensur said in Chimera (you have the advantage of the GUI there) using Tools->Structure Editing->Build Structure. You may also modify a fragment of your model to adapt to an alpha-helical conformation although that requires more effort. I'm not sure about the limitations of Chimera in comparison with Ribosome, I have never used the latter.

On 26 October 2010 18:39, Mensur Dlakic <">mdlakic@montana.edu> wrote:
It is not exactly what you asked but this may do the trick:


Look for a program named ribosome - it makes regular protein structures
given the sequence.

At 09:15 AM 10/26/2010, Modeller Caretaker wrote:
>On 10/25/10 3:30 PM, Orhan Ertughrul wrote:
> > I’ve been using a standard script to build an alpha helix from an
> > alanine chain. Modeller generates the restrained structure but it isn’t
> > alpha-helical when viewed in PYMOL.

| Mensur Dlakic, PhD                | Tel: (406) 994-6576                |
| Department of Microbiology        | Fax: (406) 994-4926                |
| Montana State University          |                                    |
| 109 Lewis Hall, P.O. Box 173520   | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur    |
| Bozeman, MT 59717-3520            | E-mail: ">mdlakic@montana.edu        |

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