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Re: [modeller_usage] 1st time trying modeller

On 11/17/2010 11:07 AM, Irene Newhouse wrote:
I'm trying to get the format right for a multiple alignment  I did with
a Clustal W server to use as input to modeller. I don't understand the
error message
_modeller.ModellerError: rdpdb___303E> No atoms were read from the specified
input PDB file, since the starting residue number and/or chain id in
MODEL_SEGMENT (or the alignment file header) was not found; requested
position: residue number " A", chain " 3"; atom file name:
You have asked Modeller to read structural information from a PDB file, 
starting at residue number "A" in chain "3". Modeller's simply telling 
you it can't find that residue and chain. Most likely you actually meant 
residue "3" in chain "A" - i.e. you simply have the residue numbers and 
chain IDs the wrong way round in your alignment files.
	Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org             http://www.salilab.org/modeller/
Modeller mail list: http://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/modeller_usage