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Re: [modeller_usage] refining bad backbone & side chain angles


Relaxing the structure in Rosetta may do the trick:


Also, I would trust Molprobity assessment more than Procheck, since it uses larger and more up-to-date rotamer libraries:

At 04:30 PM 12/8/2010, Irene Newhouse wrote:
Following an earlier message on the topic of refining a homology model, I just tried a Chimera minimization. The results underwhelm me: Procheck before minimization had 34/576 residues marked with bad phi, psi angles & 10 with bad chi angles. After minimization, there were 40 residues with bad phi, psi angles & 11 with bad chi angles. That's NOT the direction I was looking for!
The template structure contained 454 residues, of which only 2 were marked 
for phi, psi angles by Procheck, and 4 for chi angles. There's only 27% 
identity, so that's probably part of the issue.
Any recommendations?

Irene Newhouse
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| Mensur Dlakic, PhD                | Tel: (406) 994-6576                |
| Department of Microbiology        | Fax: (406) 994-4926                |
| Montana State University          |                                    |
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