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FRET Benchmark

Benchmark of the FRET<sub>R</sub> Bayesian restraint PubMed logo

tickVerified to work with the latest stable IMP release (2.21.0). The files are also available at GitHub.
Additional software needed to use these files: IMP install instructions

Anaconda logo To install the software needed to reproduce this system with the Anaconda Python command line tool (conda), run the following commands:

conda config --add channels salilab
conda install imp

UCSF logo To set up the environment on the UCSF Wynton cluster to run this system, run:

module load Sali
module load imp
Tags benchmark FRET


This directory contains all the scripts to run the benchmark of the FRETR Bayesian restraint, and the reference results.

Folder structure

How to run the benchmark

  1. This is the ROOT directory.

  2. PRELIMINARY. Compile IMP (any recent version should work - see below for the last known good IMP version). IMP git version develop-c47408c was used for the publication.

  3. EXECUTION. Go to DATA/SCRIPTS/BENCHMARK_LINKER or DATA/SCRIPTS/BENCHMARK_NOLINKER where you will find the scripts to run the benchmark with or without using a model for linker flexibility, respectively. Then:

    • To run a specific test, run:

      ./ ID

      where ID is an integer from 1 to 1280.

    • To run all tests, just use a bash loop:

      for((ID=1;ID<=1280;ID++)); do ./ $ID; done

    • A sample SGE script to run all the tests on a cluster is also provided, as

  4. ANALYSIS. From the ROOT directory, do:

    • DATA/SCRIPTS/ANALYSIS/ RESULTS_LINKER linker_per_complex.dat
    • DATA/SCRIPTS/ANALYSIS/ RESULTS_NOLINKER nolinker_per_complex.dat

    Statistics will be written to the .dat files, which should be compared to the results in DATA/REFERENCE_RESULTS and to those published in Bonomi et al. "Determining protein complex structures based on a Bayesian model of in vivo FRET data", as follows.

    • linker.dat -> Table S2
    • nolinker.dat -> Table S3

Author(s): Max Bonomi

Version: 1.0

License: LGPL. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Last known good IMP version: build info build info

Testable: Yes.

Parallelizeable: Yes
