An Internet Structure-Based Drug Design Course

Protein Structure

Draft Prospectus

Peter Murray-Rust
Biomolecular Structure
Glaxo Wellcome
Herts, SG1 2NY

John Overington
Computational Chemistry
Pfizer Central Research
Kent, CT13 9NJ

The following document is a preliminary prospectus for sponsors and students of an Internet-based course in the techniques of protein structure-based drug-design (SBDD). This course was conceived in industry, by industrialists, to fill an undoubted gap in current professional education. The aim of the course is to introduce medicinal chemist 'students' to biological and chemical applications on the Internet, coupled to basic molecular modelling and protein structure analysis skills; allowing the students to apply these techniques in rational drug design as part of their job. The course will use state-of-the-art interactive teaching technologies to allow effective, self-paced, learning, backed up by access to experiences professionals in the field.

It should be stressed that the course is still at the planning stage and we would welcome feedback on any aspect or detail of the course.


Creation Date: 24th October 1995
