ASAP Server Version 1.0 beta -Marc A. Marti-Renom  1999
Analysis of Sequence and Aminoacid Probabilities

Version 1.0 of ASAP Server. Date: April 25, 1999

You need first:
What to do to install the server:
  1. Uncompress the files asap-v1.0-distr.tar.gz with the command:
    1. prompt> gunzip asap-v1.0-distr.tar.gz
  2. Unpack the file asap-v1.0-distr.tar with the command:
    1. prompt> tar -xvf asap-v1.0-distr.tar
  3. Change to directory asap_v1.0-distr
    1. prompt> cd asap_v1.0-distr
  4. Move all files to new location.
    1. prompt> mv * /New/Complete/Path/
  5. Run script file that will use FORTRAN 77 compiler.

  6. VERY IMPORTANT!!! At the moment the script file needs the location of the server be entered using special characters.
    Please follow next recommendations:
      • Be fore any of the next characters ( : , . or ~) write \

      • so the should look like http\:\/\/guitar\.rockefeller\.edu\/\~marcius
      • Enter the location between brackets.

      • so "http\:\/\/guitar\.rockefeller\.edu\/\~marcius".
      prompt> "http\:\/\/guitar\.rockefeller\.edu\/\~marcius"
  7. Read the important notes just bellow.

  9. Once you are sure that the installation has gone OK you can run a clean script that will remove some files not needed anymore.
    1. prompt>

It is important that the structure of the program will keep as showed in the figure.  The installation script will keep that structure and will set up all permissions and links to has the server working properly. Since the program links are set up for that structure any change of it will cause errors.

Some points to keep in mind is something fails:

  • Your cgi-bin directory has to be set up to include *.pl files. Ask your system manager to have ~ASAPfolder/cgi-bin as folder containing www executable files.

  • Folder tmp in CenerNet program should have permissions as all write. The command ls -al should look like:
    • drwxrwxrwx    2 user  group        4096 Apr 23 12:15 tmp/
  • Files *.log under xtras folders should be accessible for all. The command ls -al *.log in any of xtras directories should look like:
    • -rw-rw-rw-    2 user  group        128 Apr 23 12:15 *.log
  • All files in src folders are written in FORTRAN 77 and has to be compiled using FORTRAN compilers (in UNIX f77 command).

ASAP Server file structure

More information about the programs, read README file.

Please, any problems mail me at:

Last update of that file: April 25, 1999.
By Marcius