All alignments were generated using the CE algorithm and selected using the DBAli server. The alignemnts covered at least 90% of one of the sequences of the alignment if not the whole chain. See next list showing the alignment dircetory, length of the alignment (Lali), sequence id (SeqId), RMSD, CE Z-score and % of correctly aligned residues (with Ca within 3.5 A). 1zen-1ttpA Lali: 225 SeqId: 05.7 RMSD: 2.9 Zscore: 4.6 Car: 78.1 [DIFFICULT] 1stmA-1a34A Lali: 113 SeqId: 06.2 RMSD: 2.8 Zscore: 5.3 Car: 81.1 1cen-1gowA Lali: 278 SeqId: 09.6 RMSD: 2.9 Zscore: 5.0 Car: 79.4 1idjA-1bhe Lali: 232 SeqId: 09.9 RMSD: 2.8 Zscore: 5.3 Car: 78.9 1ounA-1std Lali: 119 SeqId: 10.1 RMSD: 2.2 Zscore: 5.7 Car: 92.4 1ganA-2pelC Lali: 126 SeqId: 10.3 RMSD: 2.9 Zscore: 4.7 Car: 82.5 1dfiB-1sep Lali: 224 SeqId: 12.6 RMSD: 2.4 Zscore: 6.3 Car: 89.7 1lbs-1tahB Lali: 188 SeqId: 14.9 RMSD: 2.4 Zscore: 5.2 Car: 89.4 1neu-1gigL Lali: 106 SeqId: 13.7 RMSD: 2.0 Zscore: 5.0 Car: 95.1 1theB-1atk Lali: 205 SeqId: 30.2 RMSD: 1.7 Zscore: 6.6 Car: 96.6 [EASY] Each directory contains the alignments in PIR and PAP format as well as the individual PDB files. In addition, the file fitted.pdb contains both structures superposed. Alignments selected by Marc [July, 5th 2000]