Provisional Program for PMDG-2

9.30-9.50 Coffee
9.50-10.00 Introduction
10.00-10.45 Knowledge-Based Protein Modelling - sequence-structure searching and alignment - Dr John Overington (Pfizer)
10.45-11.30 Accuracy of homology modelled protein structures - Dr David Kitson (Biosym/MSI)
11.30-12.15 Ab Initio Protein Folding using Selectively Enhanced Molecular Dynamics - Dr D.J. Osguthorpe (Bath)
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-1.45 Announcement of PMDG3 & future directions
1.45-2.30 Protein Fold Recognition from Secondary Structure Prediction - Dr Robert Russell (ICRF)
2.30-3.15 Efficient Perception of Proteins & Nucleic Acids from Simple Atomic Connectivity - Dr Roger Sayle (Glaxo)
3.15-3.45 Coffee
3.45-4.30 The Design of a Nanomolar Inhibitor of Glycolate Oxidase - Dr Russell Viner (Zeneca)
4.30-5.15 Fingerprinting ESTs - a rapid approach to classifying EST sequences - Dr D. J. Parry-Smith (Pfizer)
5.15 Close