
Successful completion of the course will lead to an accredited 'Advanced Certificate in Protein Structure-Based Drug Design', subject to approval by the University of London. Accreditation will only be possible for registered students, and validation will be performed by the Academic Panel. Registration will be handled by the Course Tutor and fees will be collected and administered by the College authorities. The course is limited to around forty registered students at any one time, with preference given to students from Founding Companies. The fees for registration are under consideration at the moment, but are anticipated to be in the order of £300.

Any material submitted to the course will be peer reviewed by the faculty, and can be considered as a refereed publication by the author, and can be referenced as such, in CVs, etc.

Support for the course software, access to newsgroups/mailing lists, and direct and electronic contact with course tutors, will only be possible for registered students, although we anticipate that access to the basic course material will be open to all Internet users through Birkbeck College.

Creation Date: 24th October 1995
