
The funding from the industrial partners (Founding Companies) will support a postdoctoral position (the Course Tutor) and associated computer hardware and software at Birkbeck College, employed to administer and co-ordinate the course. The Founding Companies will also contribute course material, where appropriate. A number of commercial molecular modelling software vendors wish to participate in the course.

We anticipate that funding from each partner of £10,000 will be sufficient to establish the course, assuming five or six fully funding partners. This funding will cover the employment of a postdoc. at Birkbeck College, and also overheads and consumables associated with the position. If the course requires further work after the first year, additional contributions may be required, but we aim to have the course self-supporting from student registration fees after one year.

The level of required funding compares very favorably with comparable professional training courses.

Creation Date: 24th October 1995
