MODELLER 7v7, Sep 12, 2004 09:15pm PROTEIN STRUCTURE MODELLING BY SATISFACTION OF SPATIAL RESTRAINTS Copyright(c) 1989-2004 Andrej Sali All Rights Reserved Written by A. Sali with help from B. Webb, M.S. Madhusudhan, M-Y. Shen, M.A. Marti-Renom, N. Eswar, F. Alber, B. Oliva, A. Fiser, R. Sanchez, B. Yerkovich, A. Badretdinov, F. Melo, J.P. Overington, E. Feyfant University of California, San Francisco, USA Rockefeller University, New York, USA Harvard University, Cambridge, USA Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, Linux 2.6.8-1.521smp i686 Date and time of compilation : 09/12/2004 21:24:59 Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2004/09/15 17:59:18.306 mkapsa__293W> No TOPOLOGY_LIB is in memory. Use READ_TOPOLOGY to read one. iup2crm_280W> No TOPOLOGY_LIB in memory or assigning a BLK residue. Default CHARMM atom type assigned: C --> CT2 This message is written only for the first such atom. fndatmi_285W> Number of residues <> number of atoms; atom code: 334 333 CA fndatmi_285W> Number of residues <> number of atoms; atom code: 334 333 CA Pairwise dynamic programming alignment (ALIGN2D): Residue-residue metric : ${MODINSTALL7v7}/modlib//as1.sim.mat Diagonal : 100 Overhang : 0 Maximal gap length : 999999 Local alignment : F MATRIX_OFFSET (local aln): 0.0000 FIX_OFFSETS : 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 N_SUBOPT : 1 SUBOPT_OFFSET : 2.0000 Alignment block : 1 Gap introduction penalty : -900.0000 Gap extension penalty : -50.0000 Gap diagonal penalty : 0.0000 Structure gap penalties : 0.350 1.200 0.900 1.200 0.600 8.600 1.200 0.000 Length of alignment : 337 Score : 208672.5938 Dynamically allocated memory at finish [B,kB,MB]: 11306149 11041.161 10.782 Starting time : 2004/09/15 17:59:18.306 Closing time : 2004/09/15 18:01:19.978 Total CPU time [seconds] : 121.54