MDT change history

MDT 5.2 10-29-2012

  • A new method Table.get_array_view() allows the raw MDT table data to be modified using NumPy functions.
  • Disulfide bonds can now be considered in the calculation of atom bond separation, by the AtomBondSeparation feature and the Table.add_alignment() method.
  • Atoms in atom tuples can now be restricted to match only in certain residue types.

MDT 5.1 09-29-2011

  • All atom features, with the exception of AtomType, are now considered undefined if the atom coordinates are equal to the Modeller undefined value (-999.0).
  • Support for bond separation, with a new AtomBondSeparation feature and a bond_span_range argument to Table.add_alignment().
  • Support Python 3 (requires Modeller 9.10 or later).
  • “scons test” now reports the Python coverage (and also C coverage, if using gcc and adding “coverage=true” to the scons command line).
  • The Table constructor now takes an optional ‘shape’ argument, which acts identically to that accepted by Table.reshape().

MDT 5.0 03-31-2011

  • First open source (GPLv2) release.
  • Duplicated Modeller Fortran code removed; MDT now uses Modeller itself for handling of protein structures and alignments.
  • Added scans over atom pairs, atom tuples, atom tuple pairs, and chemical bonds.
  • Complete documentation, examples, and unit tests added.
  • TOP scripting interface replaced with Python.
  • Support storing MDT tables in binary form, using the HDF5 format and library.

MDT 4.0 April 2002

  • Reorganize directory structure.

MDT 3.1 March 2002

  • Allow for a structure to be assessed against an existing MDT table.

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