Hi everyone, just a reminder that we're meeting tomorrow at 10AM PST. I put together some slides/ipython notebook with a brief, high-level overview of Bayesian inference and I'll review the following paper: https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.0c05026 which I chose because I found it a nice application of Bayesian methods in a setting that is close to our work, but perhaps something most people are less familiar with (me especially).

I created a shared google drive so we can all share materials from these meetings, but I wasn't able to invite people with non-gmail e-mails so let me know if you want access and I'll try to figure it out.

In addition we can discuss any agenda we'd like to set for the first meeting with Jeff Hoch's group, which will be on the 26th of May.

Looking forward to the discussion!

- Jared