Hi Jared,

I won't be available to attend on the tentatively planned dates (6/7/8 Dec.?). Let me know if there is a change in the dates. I would be happy to join.


On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 11:06 AM Jared Sagendorf <sagendor@usc.edu> wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm not sure who has or hasn't responded to Jeff Hoch's inquiry, but could you let me know if you are available to attend a tentativly planned workshop in-person on those dates? The meeting would be held in Connecticut. In order to get the ball rolling, we need a rough headcount of who would be attending.


- Jared
Bayesian validation mailing list

Neelesh Soni
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences
University of California, San Francisco, USA