Hello Everyone, 

This month's I/H methods meeting is fixed for Thursday, June 8 at 8AM PDT, 10AM CDT, 11AM EDT, 4PM BST, 5PM CEST and 12AM JST (June 9). The following have confirmed attendance via the doodle poll. 

Confirmed attendees

Ben Webb (UCSF, US)
Tom Goddard (UCSF, US)
Brinda Vallat (RCSB, US)
John Westbrook (RCSB, US)
Aleks Gutmanas (PDBe, UK)
Gert-Jan Bekker (PDBj, Japan)
Mike Goodstadt (CNAG, Spain)
Juergen (not sure if it is Juergen Haas from SIB, Switzerland or Juergen Koefinger from MPI, Germany - please clarify)

If anyone else would like to join the meeting, please let me know. I encourage everyone to attend so as to make these meetings more effective. 

Meeting agenda

1. Update on I/H methods project - Ben Webb, Brinda Vallat
2. Live demo: Visualization of the Nup84 integrative model using ChimeraX - Tom Goddard
3. Open discussion - Everyone

Connection details

The meeting will be conducted in the same manner as last time. We will use BT for the voice call and joinme for screen sharing. We will not have any video. 

For the BT voice call: 

1. Call the following number based on which country you are calling from: 

US                    18008681123
UK                    08000326469
Germany          08001824096
Japan               0120001425
Switzerland     0800111051
Spain                900816444

2. Enter the participant code:  37910748#

3. Say your name at the beep. 

For the Joinme screen share: 

4. Go to   http://join.me/rcsbmeeting

Please let me know if you have any further questions. 

Thank you. 

Brinda Vallat

Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
174 Frelinghuysen Rd
Piscataway NJ 08854-8076
Phone: 848-445-4948