Hi all,
I was trying to install an old version of IMP (12787) on my machine to do some tests. I tried downloading it using git (this should be the 12787 version): > git clone https://github.com/salilab/imp > cd imp > git reset --hard 847e65d44da7d06718bcad366b09264c818752d5
By doing so, the compilation fails with an error related to the dope_score.lib file:
> Errors building: > build/data/atom/dope_score.lib
It seems that the error arises because the two files dope_score.lib and dope_scorehr.lib are not anymore in the modules/atom/data dir. If I copy them from an old IMP directory, the compilation end with no problems.
Everything works fine also using svn:
> $ svn co http://svn.salilab.org/imp/trunk imp-r12787 -r 12787
where the dope_score files are still present:
> imp-r12787/modules/atom/data$ ls -1 > SConscript > dope_score.lib > dope_scorehr.lib > par.lib > protein_ligand_pose_score.lib > protein_ligand_rank_score.lib > radii.lib > top.lib > top_heav.lib
Have the dope_score files been removed in the new IMP versions?
Thanks and best regards, Davide