- IMP::domino::TrivialParticleStates renamed to IMP::domino::IndexParticleStates to be less judgmental. IMP::domino::CompoundParticleStates and IMP::domino::RecursiveParticleStates added.
- IMP::domino::DominoSampler now supports maximum scores on IMP::RestraintSets.
- the name of the clustering methods have been changed to create_ from get_ since they create objects.
- the names of the recently added metric based clustering support has been changed to Metric rather than Distance.
- IMP now has the ability to have certain tests designated as expensive and to skip those tests when test-fast is run. The motivation for this is that the tests take a really long time making it impractical to run before every commit. And it is hard to tell which tests have not been run when running with the necessary multiple build processes. My thought is that tests that take about a second or less on a debug build should be left along (this is probably >95% of the tests), but the few that take longer should be marked as expensive. To do that, rename the test to expensive_text_XXX.py (from test_XXX.py) and add expensive_python_tests= env.IMPModuleGetExpensivePythonTests() to the IMPModuleTest call in the test SConscript.
- the fuction IMP::display::create_restraint_geometry() was added to do what its name says.
- runtime dimensional geometric objects have been added. These include IMP::algebra::VectorKD, IMP::algebra::BoundingBoxKD and IMP::algebra::SphereKD. The IMP::statistics::Embedding classes now use IMP::algebra::VectorKD instead of Floats. The sparse grids also support variable dimensions as to the nearest neighbor searches.
- IMP::atom::DopePairScore has been added to \imp.
- IMP::atom::CHARMMStereochemistryRestraint provides a high-level simplified interface to the bonded part of the CHARMM forcefield.
- \imp modules are now built by first combining all the .cpp files into one, and then building that file. This greatly accelerates building of a module from scratch as build time is dominated by parsing headers. This does change the semantics of .cpp files as they see headers included by and functions declared by an arbitrary subset of other .cpp files. For now they are still required to be able to be compiled separately. To get the only behavior back either globally or on a per-module basis, see the percppcompilation parameter to scons.
- Instructions and scripts have been added for building modules and things externally to the \imp build. See the installation guide.