Hi everyone,

I'm having a problem with the memory usage of the IMP::Model::evaluate(bool) method.

I'm trying to optimize a set of particles as done for the alpha-globin domain (I'm doing some testing on a larger chromatin domain) using a large set of restraints (over 10^6 restraints).
The memory usage is OK until all the restraints are generated (~2GB), and then increase to 100% of memory and swap (16GB + 16GB) when I first call m.evaluate(False) (to check the initial score) causing the script to stop. I understand that a large number of restraints are being evaluated, but I was wondering if this is an expected behavior (i.e. if there is a sort of limitation in the number of restraints that can be implemented per memory GB) or if there is a workaround, before trying to run the script on a (shared) machine with much more memory. 

I'm using an old version of IMP (r7392) with the following optimizer:
# Set up optimizer
o = IMP.core.MonteCarlo()
fk = IMP.core.XYZ.get_xyz_keys()
mov = IMP.core.NormalMover(ps, fk, 0.25)
lo = IMP.core.ConjugateGradients()

I've tried without the ConjugateGradients after reading this https://salilab.org/imp/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=106, but I guess it does not depend on CG (I don't have ClosePairContainer in the current code).

Thanks and best regards,

Davide Bał
Structural Genomics Laboratory
Bioinformatics & Genomics Department, Prince Felipe Research Center
Avda. Autopista del Saler 16, 46012 Valencia, Spain
Tel: +34 96 328 96 80 (ext. 1004)  Fax: +34 96 328 97 01
dbau@cipf.es  web: http://bioinfo.cipf.es/dbau/