Thanks Ben. BTW, I used the term mass, but I meant weight in general, same message nonetheless. Centroid class itself seems to be the unweighted geometric center, and CentroidOfRefined can also take a key for weights (eg, density). 

Does any one use Centroid? I am afraid that fixing this would cause trouble in existing code. I will also grep, but in case somebody is using it out of the main repository.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Ben Webb <> wrote:
On 4/14/14, 2:21 PM, Barak Raveh wrote:
As it is now, the derivatives of the centroid are copied to the finer
particles as is, using the DerivativesToRefinedas class. Shouldn't the
derivatives be rescaled first according to the mass contribution of each
fine particle to the centroid?

Your analysis sounds reasonable to me. See also commit f8ea98f7f2 and the associated issue #775 - may be related.

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