On 9/18/14, 4:25 AM, Yannick SPILL wrote: > 1) What happens if a program that carries an open rmf3 file handle gets > killed? Is the rmf file likely to be corrupted? or is this only going to > affect the last frame?
If you're reading the file, nothing. If you're writing it, it should only be the last frame that is affected.
> 2) I use the following code to reprocess trajectories
Looks fine.
> Does that sound ok to you? The reason I'm asking, is I get a problem > with the written coordinates. They seem to be wrapped when they are too > big, e.g. like in a periodic box. Any clues appreciated.
I'm happy to help if you can provide a minimal example. Open an issue on github. (But I can't think of any reason why coordinates would be wrapped, unless you're going outside the range that can be stored in a double.)