Given that it has been a while since IMP 1.0 was released and IMP has improved a lot, I think we should have an IMP 1.1 release in the near future (say, on the order of a month). There are a few modules with fairly active development, which can either stabilized for a release or skipped from the release. The status of each modules as I understand it (ok means "no implementation plans/known important bugs"): - build system: ok - kernel: ok - cgal: volume/surface are computations are not heavily tested, but they are not a show stopper - algebra: ok - bullet: ok - display: ok - em2d: active development, Javi, what are your plans/goals? - modeller: ok - restrainer: ok - domino: should probably go away for the release - example: ok - multifit: active development. Keren, what are your plans/goals? - saxs: ok - atom: ok (recent development in the protein-ligand score, more bugs might be discovered there) - container: ok - domino2: ok (poor handling of nbls with rigid bodies, but I don't think it is a show stopper) - gsl: ok - statistics: ok - benchmark: ok - core: ok - em: discussed plans for moving to algebra::Grid3D and moving algorithms to algebra where they can be more widely used, but no implementation. This would be nice, and should be relatively quick, but not a show stopper, I think. - misc: ok - openmm: should not be part of release
I'll make a pass through before the release to add more comments to example code (others feel free to contribute, please, please please :-)
Other issues?