I should add that you can use `git imp feature finish` with a feature branch you started with `git flow`, assuming it does have a README.md. If you like `git imp` I would recommend removing the `git flow` lines from you .git/config (just use an editor) so that accidental typing of `git flow x` fails immediately.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Yannick Spill <yannick@salilab.org> wrote:
That sounds cool!

On 9 mai 2013, at 20:00, Daniel Russel <drussel@gmail.com> wrote:

> I found dealing with the README.md and other required was resulting in me using feature branches less than I would like so I forked git-flow and made an imp-customized version. It is pulled in by the the imp repository so you don't have to install anything. Next time you update imp, rerun setup_git.py and you will have several new commands available:
> - git imp update: updates the repository and displays any new changes listed in ChangeLog.md
> - git imp feature start: starts a new feature. It opens an editor (using $EDITOR) to create a README.md and commits it to the new feature branch.
> - git imp feature finish: finishes a feature. The README.md is used as the commit message for the feature and the README.md file itself is removed. The changes in the branch are rebased against develop as part of the process and then squashed into one commit.
> let me know if you find the scripts useful and if you encounter any problems.
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