I think it can make sense. However, since I've realized some problems with what we (or at least I :-) said yesterday, and want to make sure we are all on the same page, I'd like to go into a bit more detail. The idea would be something like the following?

class KMeansLloydsClustering: public PartitionalClustering {
KMeansLloydsClustering(EmbeddingAdaptor embed, unsigned int k, unsigned int num_iterations);
void refine(unsigned int num_iterations);

so you would do:
clu= KMeansLloydsClustering([[0,1], [1,2]], 2, 10)
print clu.get_cluster(0), clu.get_cluster(1)

Whatever is done should also have similar things done on the Metric side.

BTW, I split up various headers, so make sure you update before you dive in.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Barak Raveh <barak.raveh@gmail.com> wrote:
Daniel and I discussed a little bit consolidation of clustering things in statistics. I am not touching anything out of the statistics / kmeans module for now, but please tell me if it is agreed that things will work as follows:
* The Embedding family of classes (used to embed data in vector form) will remain as is
* There will be a "Clustering" class from which all clustering algorithms will derive, with:
* constructor that takes either Embedding class, or EmbeddingAdaptor for implicit conversions from e.g., vector form


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