Just to add, if you do that, please do your work in feature branches and have me commit them to develop in order to avoid difficulties with the git/svn bridge. The other way to get started with git is to use git-svn yourself. Instruction are at <http://salilab.org/imp/wiki/git>.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Barak Raveh <barak.raveh@gmail.com> wrote:
This is the git flow tutorial (ask Ben to install git flow for you on your machine).

Quick start:
1) Open a github account https://github.com/ 
2) Get Daniel to invite you to the github project , 
3) create and change to a folder of your choice
4) "git flow init" and enter-enter-enter-enter-enter
5) "git clone <address of git-hub repository provided by Daniel>"

You can then start new features like Daniel showed yesterday, as described in the tutorial, etc. (e.g., "git flow feature start <feature-name>")

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