Recent changes: • IMP::atom::Selection was added to allow specification of parts of IMP::atom::Hierarchy using biological sorts of names. A few functions to create restraints from them were added too. • a new example was added in the kernel to show IMP used on a biological system • IMP::display::PymolWriter now supports adding labels to things • IMP::display::PairRestraintGeometry and IMP::display::ConnectivityRestraintGeometry were added to aid in visualizing those restraints. • IMP::bullet was added with an optimizer to use hard body physics to resolve local collisions. • IMP::atom::setup_as_rigid_body() has been deprecated and replaced by IMP::atom::create_rigid_body(). The latter creates the rigid body as a separtate particle so that the molecular hierarchy doesn't have to worry about having its bounding sphere large enough to enclose all the members. • IMP::core::KClosePairsPairScore was added to have count based cutoffs for close pair scoring. • IMP::algebra::get_surface_area_and_volume() was added to compute the two numbers for a set of balls • Two examples were added to the kernel, Nup84 CG and Nup84 RB which illustrate the usage of many aspects of IMP.
As a reminder, Keren is discussing the RNAPII example tomorrow at 1.