On 7/19/10 12:51 AM, Benjamin SCHWARZ wrote: > The installation in itself was OK, though I found the "Installation > successful" messages a bit disconcerting. Maybe you should consider > an installation log file or a longer message to tell what exactly was > installed, in which directory, and suggest some starting points for > beginners.
Unfortunately that's the standard Apple installer. I will look into whether we can have it display extra information though.
> Concerning the utilization now : I have two python 2.6 installed on > my computer though I do not remember nor why nor how.
That's odd - we don't install Python as part of the installation.
> python (the one that runs when typing "python" on the command line) > links to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python > (it claims to be a v2.6.4 compiled with gcc 4.0.1 ) My second python > dwells in /usr/bin and claims to be a v2.6.1 compiled with gcc 4.2.1
The second one looks correct. Maybe you have the first one left over from an upgrade from a previous OS X release, or you installed it manually or from another package? Your PATH definitely should not contain anything in /Library, so the second python should be the one you're supposed to use. On my Mac there is nothing in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/ - Python lives in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/.
> With the first interpreter, IMP is not automatically found and I have > to modify the PYTHONPATH (therefore the localization of IMP in the > installation message could be of interest.).
The installer package is designed to use the Apple-provided version of Python (the one in /usr/bin). You don't need to set any weird environment variables to make it work. (That's why we don't tell you to!) If you have some other wonky version of Python on your system, all bets are off. I'll add a note to the installation instructions to this effect - thanks for bringing it to my attention.
> In order to explain the problem observed with the default > interpreter, I firstly suspected it had something to do with the gcc > version, but now I rather think it is a 32bits/64bits conflict :
Indeed - the standard Apple Python is 64-bit, and you installed the 64-bit version of IMP too. But your other Python is 32-bit, so won't work. This is why I suspect your other Python is left over from an older version of the operating system, before they switched to 64-bit.