Hmmm, strange that the error message is so non-descript. Anyway, the most likely source of the error is that the libraries can't find the charmm force field data files. If you build and install imp by doing
scons prefix=place/to/install install
it should find them automatically. The other supported model is to use IMP in the directory where you built it using the tools/ script:
/path/to/imp/tools/ python

How did you install it? My guess is that you copied the libraries to some location manually. Relatively few programs will work that way.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Adhikari, Badri (MU-Student) <> wrote:

Hello all,


We installed IMP in one of our servers by building the source code files. I do not have root access on the servers.

It looks like I need to use the atom module and so after installation, I tested the installation with the files in the test directory inside the atom module’s directory.


I can run the files like and run smooth, but files like throw the following error.

RuntimeError: Unknown error caught by Python wrapper


Details of the error message is attached.


Please help!


Warm Regards,

Badri Adhikari

CS Graduate Student,

University of Missouri-Columbia,

Columbia, Missouri

Cell: 573 639 2847


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