On 1/18/16 8:58 AM, Karine VOLTZ wrote: > I have a question regarding the *IMP.em.EnvelopeFitRestraint* class: > As a simple test I just tried to evaluate this restraint with an EM > density map and a set of particles corresponding to each subunits that > fill the map. > As coordinates for each particle, I have assigned a random vector > belonging to the boundingbox of the density map. > Depending on the coordinates of the particles, sometimes the restraint > is correctly calculated, sometimes I get the following error message: ... > _IMP_base.UsageException: Usage check failure: *The point is not part of > the grid*
This shouldn't happen if your particles really are within the bounding box. Are you sure they are? If so, please send me a short Python script that demonstrates the problem, and I'll make sure it gets fixed.