Hi, I am so far using a distance restraint, which is satisfy if the particules are below the distance, down to 0, ie contact. Is that correct? Then what is the point of the std_dev if it is anything below distance that score lowest?
So far, my code is something like
<Distance> <Restraint name="mydist" distance="10" std_dev="1"> <Particle id="prt1"/> <Particle id="prt2"/> </Restraint> </Distance>
However, I would like to have a function with a minimal score if the particules are at the give distance, with some stdev. I probably need to use the DistancePairScore function. But how to do that in XML format?
Thanks for IMP and the support
**************** Damien Devos Center of Organismal Studies Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Im Neuenheimer Feld 230 69120 Heidelberg, Germany