On 3/22/11 8:07 AM, Benjamin SCHWARZ wrote: > I am wondering what properties are attached to the various levels of a > hierarchy and how to retrieve it. > As an example, I would like to know how to get the one-character-code > that is attached to a chain.
Check the documentation: http://salilab.org/imp/nightly/doc/html/classIMP_1_1atom_1_1Chain.html
There should never be a need to mess with keys and attributes in the way you're proposing - the decorators should always provide suitable methods.
> I have the feeling, this is not strictly feasible, though it is possible > to get it as the last character in the particle name of the chain :
The particle name is a tag for the benefit of you, the human. There is no guarantee that it ends in the chain ID, since you can set it to anything you want.