Hi there,
I am studying subunit mobility on a multimeric protein complex, after sampling with the Monte Carlo method. I would like to analyse the mobility of each subunit by using normal modes (normal mode analysis) of each subunit. Is there any function/method in IMP to do this?
I'm using the PMI modeling protocol, working with a cryo-EM (coarse-grained), and iterating the sampling protocol 10.000 times (exploring from 10.000 different initial configurations).
Thank you in advance!

On 6/8/21 9:26 AM, Altair Hernández wrote: > I would like to analyse the > mobility of each subunit by using normal modes (normal mode analysis) of > each subunit. Is there any function/method in IMP to do this?
To the best of my knowledge, there is no code in IMP to perform normal mode analysis. You may want to check out the rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) method though: https://integrativemodeling.org/nightly/doc/manual/kinematics_rrt.html
participants (2)
Altair Hernández
Ben Webb