Sorry, I have noticed that someone already asked the following question two years ago and Azat Badretdinov had answered the it. But I still don't understand the meaning behind the STARTING_MODEL" and "ENDING_MODEL.
> > > >What exactly is the meaning behind setting "STARTING_MODEL" and > >"ENDING_MODEL"? Does setting the former to 1 and the latter to, say,
> >7 result in seven models being built with the 7th model being the most > >refined?
>No, it does not. STARTING and ENDING will determine the range of indeces >in .B???? file names of the models
I am modeling a very short peptide with modeller4. If I set STARTING_MODEL=1, ENDING_MODEL=10, I get 10 models which have different orientations and spatial location. If I would like to get a model which can overlap with the original model (maximum uses the template coordinates), how to do it? And is it possible to keep the backbone in the same conformation of original peptide ?
All suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thank you for your help.
****************************** Xiao-Ping Zhang Department of Biochemistry Arrhenius Laboratories of Natural Sciences Stockholm Universities 106 91 Stockholm Sweden
Phone: 046-08-162472 /162582 Fax: 046-08-153679 e-mail: zhang@biokemi.su.se