We do have Windows version in the lab already, and it will be released as 6v2 in a few weeks.
Thanks, Bozidar
On 17/4/02 6:43 AM, "Mensur Dlakic" mensur@umich.edu wrote:
> Hi, > > Has anyone done a real comparison between standalone loop refinment > procedures in v4.x versus v6.x? Or, for that matter, is any objective > benchmarking available that compares the two versions? I am one of those > people who don't like to update the software that already works well, and > one thing that would definitely motivate me to do so is the improvement in > loop procedures. On a related note, is there any word about the DOS/Windows > version of MODELLER? > > What is the lowest target/template identity that has still produced a good > model of a 80+ residues protein? I am hoping to hear real examples and not > only a generic answer ("depends on template resolution, alignment > quality..."). I have made good models in a 10-20% range of indentities, but > is it realistic to expect a good model with < 10% identity even after the > iterative realignment? I am often tempted to model proteins falling into > below 10% category but haven't done it more than 2-3 times, always with > disappointing results. > > Thanks for your time. May your objectives be high and your objective > function low, > > Mensur > > =========================================================================== > | Mensur Dlakic, PhD | Tel: (734) 764-3554 | > | Department of Biological Chemistry | Fax: (734) 615-3397 | > | University of Michigan Medical School | http://www.umich.edu/~mensur/ | > | 5416 Medical Science I | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur | > | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606 | E-mail: mensur@umich.edu | > =========================================================================== > >