On 10/24/11 7:30 AM, Igor Dvortsov wrote: > i've noticed something strange: let's try build serie of models in > model_default.py-way, but with starting_model=1 and ending_model=10. we > get 10 different models a1..a10. let's do it one more time with same > script and we get another 10 models b1..b10. they are different between > themself but coincide with previous serie, such as a1=b1..a10=b10. > i just don't understand it. each model is calculated by > automodel.single_model(), inside it method > self.randomize_initial_structure(atmsel) is called. so randomization > takes place. how it can be that these randomizations led to coinciding > results?
That's not strange at all - Modeller is deterministic, so will give you the same results given the same input conditions and random seed. If you want different results, change the random seed: http://salilab.org/modeller/9.10/manual/node111.html
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker